Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Keeping Time

Me     : You are back! You are back!
She    : Whoa! where's the fire?

Me    : Fire? Where? Let's run!
She   : No silly! Was just checking what's gotten your panties in a knot!

Me   : My panties are in a knot? Where? That's embarrassing.... I wear panties?? Now THAT is embarrassing!
She  : Just calm down. You don't wear panties. WHAT. HAPPENED.

Me  : Oh that! Oh you are so not going to believe it! There was a monster in the house!
She  : A monster?

Me  : Yeah! It was all weird looking. Black and white and all that. And it kept making this weird noise. Scary as shit I tell you! But I didn't get scared! I was the brave one you always wanted me to be. I waited and waited and at the right minute pounced on that ferocious creature. I caught its neck between my teeth and flung it this way and that till it head broke apart in a loud crash of splinters. Then I made sure I tore its hands off. Just you know to be sure its was dead.
She : Girl you are by far way too imaginative!

Me  : I know you would not believe me. I saved the dead body for you! A monster dead body!
(waits for what is coming)
She : You chewed my white GUCCI watch?

P.S.: True Story*


She    : What are you doing?
Me     : Meditating

She    : Oh I thought you were sleeping.
Me     : No. I am meditating.

She    : You have your head on your paws!
Me    : It eases the flow of energy through my body. Try it!

Good Morning!

Me    : Good Morning! Wakey Wakey!
She  : Five minutes baby...

Me    : Five minutes up! wakey wakey!
She   : Cannot be five minutes already...

Me    : It was five minutes ten minutes ago! wakey wakey!
She   : why must you be so energetic and chirpy in the morning?

Me    :My bladder does not spill on to your shaggy rug when I do that! Why do you call it a shaggy rug anyway? No. Don't answer that.